commission a custom bouquet painting


8 x 10" or 9 x 12" custom painting | ink & watercolor on hot-pressed paper

A custom bouquet painting is a lasting memento of one of the most fleeting aspects of a wedding ceremony. It would be perfect as a one-year 'paper anniversary' gift, or just as a way to treat yourself to a happy reminder of a beautiful day. 

pricing & How to order

simple bouquet ........... $180

more complex bouquet ........... $240

elaborate bouquet ........... $300


Please order through my Etsy shop.

History & process

Creating the bouquets and arrangements for my own wedding was one of my favorite parts of the whole planning process. When the wedding was over, though, I was sad to see the flowers fade. My first bouquet 'portrait' was of my own bouquet (first image above), and I love having a lasting reminder of the beautiful flowers I carried on my wedding day. 

For each painting, I begin with a light pencil sketch, often tracing the broad outlines of the major blooms to make sure that everything is in proportion, finalize the details of the drawing with an archival 005 Micron pen, then paint with many thin washes of watercolor, building from the lightest to the most intense colors. The finishing touch is the couple's initials & wedding date lettered along the stems. From start to finish, each painting takes me about six to ten hours to complete.